A unique scientific instrument, awarded a Physics Nobel prize in 2018, can be used to manipulate microscopic and sub-microscopic objects, such as particles, droplets, or even living cells in their natural environment. The typical dimensions of the objects studied range from 0.1 µm to 30 µm. Our compact optical tweezers use a highly focused laser beam to create an optical trap.

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Compact optical tweezers

Raman tweezers

Application area

  • Microbiology, biophysics and pharmaceuticals.
  • Physical chemistry and micro-rheology.
  • Single molecule research.
  • Nanothermodynamics.
  • Nanoparticle sorting and analysis.

Key features

  • Precise sample manipulation.
  • Unique design solution with small footprint.
  • Compatible with most optical microscopes.
  • Easy mounting and installation.
  • Optional compact optical tweezers with wavelengths of 355 nm, 405 nm, 532 nm, 785 nm, 808 nm, 980 nm and 1064 nm.

Improve your optical microscope with one of the following laser-based techniques:

  • Optical micromanipulation of micro-objects or living cells (optical tweezers).
  • Micro-cutting (laser scalpel or laser scissors).
  • Polymer microstructure formation using focused beam induced photopolymerization.
  • Advanced fluorescence microscopy techniques (e.g. FRAP - fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, FLIP - fluorescence loss in photobleaching).

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