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Utility models

Prototype, f. model, 0580450 : Prototype device for laser beam writing using 2PP. Authors: S. Cerny, J. Chlumska, M. Kandra, M. Matejka, S. Stritesky, T. Tethal, P. Jakl, T. Plichta, M. Sery, L. Silhan, D. Skrabalova, O. Vaculik

Utility model No. 21642: Device for connecting radiation source to the lens of the microscope. Authors: M. Sery, P. Zemanek, J. Lazar

Utility model No. 25864: Device for classification of photoautotrophic microorganism live cells. Authors: M. Sery, J. Jezek. Z. Pilat, O. Samek, P. Zemanek, M. Trtilek

Utility model No. 33320: Device for creating laser tweezers attachable to a Raman microscope. Authors: M. Sery, T. Manka, P. Zemanek, O. Samek, J. Jezek, Z. Pilat